Creative Engagement for Older Adults

How Dr. Seuss Evoked Reminiscence and Ignited Imagination with Older Adults

The life and works of Dr. Seuss provide a wealth of potential creative engagement material to work from in the long-term care setting. Until a few weeks ago, my appreciation of Dr. Seuss was superficial at best - recalling childhood memories of falling to sleep while listening to the contagious yawns in the recording of “Dr. Seuss’s Sleep Book,” hearing my parents read “The Cat in the Hat Comes Back” to me, and even giving out copies of “Oh, the Places You’ll Go” as graduation gifts while raising children of my own.

While preparing for my “Dr. Seuss Experience,” I paid a visit to my octogenarian in-laws. I shared some of my ideas with them, soliciting their advice for what to do with the wisdom-filled “Oh the Places You’ll Go.” I wasn’t really sure, for example, whether facilitating a discussion on the places nursing home residents want to go to would be very fruitful. Perhaps it might even be depressing. Would a reminiscence discussion be preferable? I wanted their input, especially in light of a farm accident that left my father-in-law dependent on the care of others over the previous several years.

“Well, if you were to ask, ‘Where do you want to go?’” my mother-in-law responded, “The answer would probably be, ‘Do you want to go to this room, or to this room?’ So, it would probably be better to ask where they’ve been.”

That triggered a delightful conversation with my in-laws on the places they’ve been, several of which I never knew about. We all ended the afternoon a little brighter as a result.

So, I applied their wisdom when I facilitated fun-filled experiences with three groups of residents in three different living environments. The experience at Brookside Retirement Community was especially animated with different individuals spontaneously breaking out into songs such as “Kansas City” and “Nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina in the morning . . .” during our “Where have you been?” discussion.

Songs like “I’ve Been Everywhere” and “Oh Where Have You Been, Billy Boy, Billy Boy” led to more lively discussion as we filled up the dry erase board with places they’ve been. One lady with dementia said, “I came from outer space,” adding a little twirl with her finger upside her head as she poked fun at herself.

The crowning moment came at the end when a male resident exclaimed, “I haven’t gone to the moon yet.”

“Let’s go now!” I shouted, leading everyone in a collective “popcorn” game of “Yes And!”

With that, we all took an imaginary journey to the moon where we saw Jupiter, Mars, John Glenn, and even drank beer there.

“I’m gonna find a man up there,” another lady with dementia teased.

“The man’s dead,” rebuffed a crotchety gentlemen.

Nevertheless, everyone had a delightful time.

“Has everyone’s spirits gone up a notch? If so, raise your hand,” I invited.

Hands rose all around the room.

“This always helps,” one of the female residents concluded.

Later, I visited my in-laws with a report on the experience.

 “I figured they’d rather go backward than forward,” my mother-in-law concluded.

And yet, though there was joy in reminiscing, there’s nothing that stops us from moving forward in our imaginations.

My Mother-in-Law, Wanda - Photo by Kareen King

My Mother-in-Law, Wanda - Photo by Kareen King

How Creative Enrichment Took a Brain from Zero to Ten

As per customary routine, I went up and down the halls of the Assisted Living to invite the residents to Kareen’s Kettle. When I entered John’s room, he was watching the news while seated in a recliner, his body shifted far to the right and head leaning over the arm of the chair. Concerned, I asked, “Are you o.k.?”

He looked confused, mumbling that he was o.k. I soon realized he thought I wasn’t coming until the afternoon because of a glitch in the calendar.

“Are you sure you’re o.k?” I persisted.

“I don’t feel that good,” he replied.

I reported his condition to the nurse who said she’d check in on him. No sooner had I finished the conversation than I saw John headed with his walker straight to his regular seat in the large semi-circle of older adults where they faced a large picture of the brain I had drawn on the dry erase board.

The Brain.jpg

I scanned the faces of my participants and quickly surmised an unusual lethargy in the space.

“O.k., ladies and gentlemen, on a scale of one to ten, ten being terrific, and one being terrible, what’s your number?”

With the exception of two people, numbers ranged from four to eight, with most being around a five. John was a zero.

Armed with this information, I mustered my best energy to guide them through our usual warm-up routine comprised of breathing and chair exercises, sung to their favorite tunes. Our topic of the day was the brain. And I was lucky that the charge nurse was willing to serve as an improvisational mind reader at a moment’s notice.

After reviewing the four lobes of the brain, I invited Linda to produce her magic. One by one, she moved from person to person with great gusto and humor, ruffling up the men’s hair as she came up with the perfect insight for each individual. By the end of the exercise, I had laughed so much, my face hurt. Linda had raised the energy level from zero to a hundred in just a few minutes.

The remainder of our time was spent discussing how our brain thinks, imagines, ponders, meditates, contemplates, wonders, deliberates, believes, reflects, and remembers. I told them the story of a resident named Tom who came to Brookside long ago with a traumatic brain injury which affected his personality. His song, “Yuk, Yuk, Yuk” is featured in my album, “The Person in the Picture Ain’t Me.” We discussed how Albert Einstein said that imagination is more important than intelligence. And I had the housekeeper, Lisa bring in a box for them to guess what was in it. Turns out it was empty, but it was a great catalyst for us to discuss what it is to think outside the box.

In the end, using the Glen Campbell song, “Gentle on my Mind” as a catalyst, I encouraged them to be gentle with themselves. After all, they all have a lot of memories and information stored inside their brains – it’s no wonder it’s difficult to retrieve everything. I also encouraged them to continue to come to the Kettle, as it’s a great place to stretch their imagination and learn new things – all great for brain health. Life is a series of adjustments to losses and disappointments, and coming together for creative enrichment is a great thing to do to strengthen the brain, and ultimately the spirit.

After our final song, “Happy Trails,” I went from person to person to shake their hands and thank them for coming. When I came to John, I asked, “So, you showed up with a zero. Did our experience raise you at least one notch?”

“Oh,” he shook his head with a huge grin, “It took it from a zero to a ten!”

What Recharges Your Battery?

What recharges your battery? Read on to find out what I and a group of older adults discovered.

I periodically like to challenge myself by asking my residents to name one of the dullest topics they can think of. Then I promise to facilitate something creatively engaging. The latest topic, which was suggested by a 97-year-old Assisted Living resident, was battery acid! The duller and weirder, the more fun the challenge for me. As a result, the following insights and exercises occurred:

We learned, first of all, that this topic is more relevant than I would have initially guessed. Relevance, by the way is a crucial component in preparing creative engagement experiences.  Lead-acid batteries are an indispensable part of everyday life as they are used for automobiles, golf carts, forklifts, and marine and uninterruptible power supplies. Lead-acid batteries are especially pertinent to individuals in long-term care settings who rely on oxygen concentrators, powered wheelchairs, personal mobility scooters, and all things power when nature takes over.

Second, I learned that the lead-acid battery has the ability to supply high surge currents. Thus, the perfect catalyst for the Human Wave – remember what those look like at the ballgames, for example? The wave is an illustration of a surge which is a sudden powerful forward or upward movement. So, yes, with the help of some of my coworkers, we helped even the frailest of elders do the wave! We also played Human Surge, in which you squeeze the hand of the person next to you, and then have them squeeze the next person’s hand and so forth until everyone’s hand has been squeezed.

Third, I learned that besides inventing the theoretical principle of lead-acid battery, Gaston Plante’ discovered the first fossils of a prehistoric flightless bird, Gastornis parisiensis (named after him) in Paris. Can you smell the metaphorical potential here?  Thus, I asked for a show of hands from those who feel like a flightless bird, or who feel as if they’ve lost their wings. I then asked what they do to recharge their battery, acknowledging answers verbally and on a dry erase board for visual learners. Here are some of their answers:

-          Drink an energy drink.

-          Take a rest.

-          Keep busy.

-          Keep a smile on my face.

-          Take a time-out with a Pepsi.

-          Eat an energy bar with chocolate.

-          Listen to the music I like.

-          People who know what to say at the right time.

-          My wife.

-          An ice-pack.

-          Coffee.

-          Inspirational reading.

-          Good movies and television shows.

One resident said, “My battery is always charged.”

“What’s your secret?” I asked.

“I always try to have a smile, have a good attitude, and say ‘Good morning’ to everyone. Many years ago while working as a CNA, we were told to leave our problems at the door. One of my coworkers entered the building and started complaining. I told her to go back out the door, leave her problems there, and come back in. She did. The administrator noticed and asked what happened. She reported to him that I recharged her batteries.”

Finally, I was introduced to the term, “Swan Song.” A swan song is a person’s final public performance or professional activity before retirement. It’s based on the idea that a swan sings a beautiful song, having not sung much during his lifespan, right before death. Detchko Pavlov’s “swan song” was the publication of his prestigious scientific publication of his book, Lead-Acid Batteries, Science and Technology, Second Edition: A handbook of lead-acid battery technology. So I asked the residents to identify their swan song. I added that if they don’t have one, what might they still wish to complete? For fun, I encouraged them to make one up, using the following template: Before I died, I  ____________. Here are some of their responses:

-          I created a pill to cure all illnesses.

-          I sang in an opera.

-          I had a pre-heavenly visit.

-          I invented knob in my ear to turn age back and make my legs limber. I only did it once.

-          I was the first lady president.

-          I eliminated all hate and pain.

-          I received communion from the Pope at the Basilica.

-          I road on horses on Main Street.

The grand finale was an improvisational story-telling about a swan who sings beautifully just before he breathes his last breath. I invited some of my coworkers to takes turns creating the story, one sentence at a time, each sentence beginning with “And then.” One of my volunteers was assigned to act as the swan who interprets each part of the story through improvisational movement. Here’s how it played out (take note of that fact that one lady wasn’t impressed – haha- you can’t please everyone all the time!):

ME: Ladies and gentlemen, we now present to you The Swan’s Song. Once upon a time there was a lovely swan. She was floating along the water, when all of a sudden a gust of wind knocked her backwards and she got misplaced from the flock and was lost. (Improv volunteer flaps imaginary wings backward)

Improv Volunteer #1: And then the poor scared little swan flew around tried and tried to find her family. She cried and cried. (Volunteer swan pretends to cry)

Improv Volunteer #2: And then she met another swan. And they both started talking. (Volunteer swan moves toward a resident and makes squawking sounds)

Improv Volunteer #3: And then while discussing their lives; they discovered they were long lost friends. So they flew around together, around and around. But they both got lost in a storm.

(Volunteer swan locks arms with the resident and pretends they are flying together while everyone makes storm sounds)

Improv Volunteer #4: And then a big bolt of lightning struck and separated the two swans. (Volunteer swan jolts forward)

ME: And then, the bolt of lightning was so powerful that . . .

(Volunteer swan twirls around and makes loud squawking noises as she lowers herself to the floor and lies down)

SHE (a resident participant who has dementia): That was stupid!

ME:  (trying to ignore what I just heard) And then the swan passed from this life to the next and entered Swan Heaven. And she began singing a new and beautiful swan song that was more beautiful than one can imagine. The end.

In closing, Dean Francis Alfar, a Filipino playwright, novelist and writer of speculative fiction said, “One of the best ways to recharge is by simply being in the presence of art. No thoughts, no critiques. Just full-on absorption mode.” Knowing this to be true for myself, I do a weekly photo show for my residents. I leave you with a photo of a swan taken right before I got lost on the grounds of the Nymphenburg Palace in Germany. But that’s another story.  :)

Swan - Photo by Kareen King

Swan - Photo by Kareen King

P.S. I work with organizations that want to create a culture where older adults and their care partners are loved, validated, and creatively engaged. I would love to speak on creative engagement at your next event. Please contact me if you are interested in a keynote concert or workshop and I will send you a list of several compelling topics.


29 Engaging Ideas for September 29th

As promised to the constituents who attended my closing keynote at the KHCA/KCAL Convention, here are 29 creatively engaging ideas that coincide with notable events and birthdays on September 29th!

 By Kareen King

(Events and Births adapted from Wikipedia)

1.      1328 – Joan of Kent, known in history as “The Fair Maid of Kent” and who was called by French chronicler Jean Froissart “the most beautiful woman in all the realm of England, and the most loving”, was born (d. 1385).

a.       Using Froissart’s words as a template, make unique declarations about your residents. For example, “Arlene – the cleverest woman of Brookside,” or “Jim – the most patriotic man of Brookside.”

b.      Have improv volunteers act out their own version of “Snow White,” capitalizing on the magic mirror (“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?”). For further ideas, look up Magic Mirror Snow White at

2.      1511 Michael Servetus, Spanish theologian, physician, and cartographer was born (d. 1553).

a.      Servetus was a polymath in that he was good at multiple things: mathematics, astronomy, meteorology, geography, anatomy, medicine, pharmacology, jurisprudence (the theory or philosophy of law), translation, poetry, and biblical studies. Ask who’s multi-talented.

b.      Hold a boasting contest with some improv volunteers by determining who has the most talents or areas of expertise. Encourage outlandishness, aka one-upmanship improv.

3.      1518 - Jacopo Comin (“Tintoretto”), an Italian painter, was born (d. 1594).

a.      For his phenomenal energy in painting he was termed Il Furioso. His work is characterized by its muscular figures and dramatic gestures.

b.      Furioso!!!! Dramatic Artist Demonstration: Have an improv volunteer stand behind a large easel or dry erase board and pantomime sweeping artistic movements, flailing dry erase markers, etc. When, finished, have him turn the board or easel around to show his masterpiece.

4.      1571 - Michelangelo Merisi (Michele Angelo Merigi or Amerighi) da Caravaggio, or simply   “Caravaggio”, an Italian painter was born (d. 1610).

a.      Caravaggio vividly expressed crucial moments and scenes, often featuring violent struggles, torture and death. He worked rapidly, with live models, preferring to forego drawings and work directly onto the canvas. His work featured Tenebrism, ("dark, gloomy, and mysterious") where there are violent contrasts of light and dark.

b.      Build upon the “furioso” painting demonstration by adding speed, dark music, and flickering lights.

5.      1640 - Antoine Coysevox, a French sculptor who at the age of seventeen produced a sculpture of considerable merit of the Madonna was born (d. 1720).

a.      Invite improv volunteers to create several human sculptures either as a group or individually to the tune of Lady Madonna by Lennon-McCartney.

6.     1798 - The United States Department of War first established a regular army with the strength of several hundred men.

a.       March while seated to the Official Song of the United States Army, The Army Goes Rolling Along (YouTube:

7.      1789 – The first United States Coungress adjourned. “Congress is the ‘heart and soul’ of our democracy.” – Lee H. Hamilton

a.       Sing, sway, and/or dance to Heart and Soul by Hoagy Carmichael and Frank Loesser.

b.       Invite a pianist to play the famous song and/or play the accompaniment and invite “players” to take turns improvising on the right hand. (YouTube:

8.      1810 - Elizabeth Gaskell, English author of Mary Barton, Cranford, North and South, Wives and Daughters, and also a writer of ghost stories was born (d. 1865).

a.      Her novels offer a detailed portrait of the lives of many strata of Victorian society, including the very poor. Do a “Status Walks” Improv:

i.      Have improv volunteers walk across the space with various parts of their body leading (i.e. lead with the nose, the chin, the stomach, etc.). Have audience observe how these postures might affect their “status”.

ii.      Tell ghost stories! (Note: Several of Gaskell’s ghost stories are public domain and can be located at

9.      1864 - Alexandra “Xie” Kitchen, English model and favorite photographic subject of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (Lewis Carroll, author of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland) was born (d. 1925).

a.      The photographic works made by Kitchin and Carroll were often in tableau (a posed picturesque grouping of objects or people) form.

b.      Improv Exercise – Tableaus

i.      Have improv volunteers do quick “scenes,” then freeze. Take photos of each tableau.

10.  1864 – Miguel de Unamuno, Spanish philosopher and author of The Tragic Sense of Life and Abel Sanchez: the History of a Passion, a modern exploration of the Cain and Abel was born (d. 1936).

a.      Creative Quote: “A man does not die of love or his liver or even of old age; a man dies of ______________ (being a man).”

11.  1879 - Marius Jacob, a clever French burglar with a sharp sense of humor who was capable of great generosity toward his victims, was born (d. 1954).

a.      Ask for a show of hands who has stolen at least once. Discuss why people steal. Then share the logic of Marius Jacob: “A liquor seller and the boss of a brothel enrich themselves, while a man of genius dies of poverty in a hospital bed. The baker who bakes bread doesn’t get any; the shoemaker who makes thousands of shoes shows his toes; the weaver who makes stocks of clothing doesn’t have any to cover himself with; the bricklayer who builds castles and palaces wants for air in a filthy hovel. Those who produce everything have nothing, and those who produce nothing have everything.” – Marius Jacob, from Why I Was a Burglar

12.  1881 - Ludwig von Mises, Austrian-American economist, sociologist and philosopher and author of his magnum opus, Human Action, was born (d. 1973).

a.      Creative Quote: “The root of evil is not the construction of new, more dreaded weapons. It is _________________ (the spirit of conquest).” – Ludwig von Mises

b.      A magnum opus is a large and important work of art, music, or literature, especially one regarded as the most important work of an artist or writer. Ask the residents to tell of one accomplishment of which they are most proud.

13.  1895 - Clarence Ashley, an American banjo player and singer was born (d. 1967).

a.      When Clarence was very young, he was nicknamed "Tommy Tiddy Waddy" (after a nursery rhyme) by his grandfather Enoch, and thus became known to friends and acquaintances as 'Tom'. As he was raised by the parents of his mother, the name "McCurry" was dropped in favor of "Ashley".

b.      Recite well known nursery rhymes as a group (Jack Sprat, Jack and Jill, Little Jack Horner, Old King Cole, Little Miss Muffet, Sing a Song of Sixpence, Little Boy Blue, etc.)

c.       Nickname Partner Conversation

14.  1895 Joseph Banks Rhine, an American botanist and parapsychologist known as J. B. Rhine, who founded parapsychology as a branch of psychology, was born (d. 1980).

a.      Improv Exercise: “Dr. ESP” (Played like the improv game Dr. Know-it-All) Three players (this number can be varied), sit or stand beside each other. They are only allowed to speak one word at a time. Absurd questions, which can be asked by any of the participants or from a designated interviewer, may be asked since the multiple-headed doctor knows everything. The doctor should rephrase each question and should answer beginning with the same player and in the same order of players each time.

15.  1895 – Roscoe Turner, a record-breaking American aviator who was a three-time winner of the Thompson Trophy air race, and widely recognized by his flamboyant style and his pet lion named Gilmore, was born (d. 1970).

a.      Creative Quote: “There is no excuse for an airplane unless it will ________________ (fly fast).” – Roscoe Turner (for fun, say it flamboyantly, and end with a “roar”)

16.  1897 Herbert Agar, an American journalist and historian and winner of the 1934 Pulitzer Prize for his 1933 book The People's Choice, a critical look at the American presidency, was born (d. 1980).

a.      Creative Quote: "The truth which makes men free is for the most part the truth which ___________ (men prefer not to hear)." – Herbert Agar

b.      Discuss how you feel about the current President. Just kidding. J

17.  1899- László Bíró, a Hungarian inventor who invented the ballpoint pen, was born (d. 1985).

a.      Creative Quote: “I always_______ (write) the same way. I always write with a yellow pad and a ballpoint pen in my hand.” – Woody Allen

b.      Ask, “What’s the last thing you wrote with a ballpoint pen?” Or share writing experiences.

18.  1899 – Billy Butlin, the South African-English businessman who founded Butlins, a chain of large affordable holiday camps designed for ordinary British families in the United Kingdom, was born (d. 1980).

a.      Billy Butlin's inspiration for his holiday camp empire came from an unhappy holiday on Barry Island in his youth, when he had been locked out of his bed and breakfast accommodation all day by his landlady which was normal practice at the time. Sing or watch YouTube performance of Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh (A Letter from Camp), a novelty song by Allan Sherman and Lou Busch.

b.      Reminiscence: Share camping stories.

19.  1901 –Enrico Fermi, an Italian-American physicist and the creator of the world's first nuclear reactor, the Chicago Pile-1and who was dubbed "architect of the nuclear age” and the "architect of the atomic bomb", was born (d. 1954).

a.      Creative Quote: “When asked what characteristics Nobel prize winning physicists had in common, Fermi said, “I cannot think of a single one, not even _____________(intelligence).”

b.      Nobel Prize Quiz: Q: What are the five Nobel prizes? A: Chemistry, Physics, Physiology (Medicine), Literature, and Peace.

20.  1904 Greer Carson, winner of the 1942 Academy Award for Best Actress in Mrs. Miniver and credited by the Guinness Book of World Records for the longest Oscar acceptance speech at five minutes and 30 seconds, prompting the Academy Awards acceptance speech time limit, was born  (d. 1996).

a.      Sing This is the Song that Never Ends and substitute the word “speech” for “song”.

21.  1907 - Gene Autry, an American “singing cowboy” and actor, and the only person to be awarded stars in all five categories on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for film, television, music, radio, and live performance, was born (d. 1998).

a.      Sing Back in the Saddle Again – his signature song.

b.      Have a Christmas sing-along with his memorable Christmas holiday songs, the first of which he wrote: Here Comes Santa Claus, Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.

22.  1908 Eddie Tolan, the first non-Euro-American to receive the title of the "world's fastest human" after winning gold medals in the 100 and 200 meters events at the 1932 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, was born (d. 1967).

a.       Tell and/or act out the Aesop’s Fable, The Tortoise and the Hare.

23.  1910 Bill Boyd, an American singer and guitarist who recorded Wa Hoo and performed it with Bill Boyd's Cowboy Ramblers, was born (d. 1977).

“Oh, gimme a horse, a great big horse, And gimme a buckaroo,

And let me Wah Hoo! Wah Hoo! Wah Hoo!”

a.    Improv Game: Invite “popcorn-style” expressions that start with “Gimme a ___________!” Then, the audience responds, “Wa Hoo!”

24.  1935 -  Jerry Lee Lewis, American singer-songwriter and pianist was born.

a.      V Dance to Jerry Lee Lewis’ Goodness, Gracious, Great Balls of Fire

b.      Maracas to Whole Lotta Shakin’ Going On (Or just shake your body and “play guitar”)

25.  1939 - Tommy Boyce, co-writer of (Theme From) the Monkees, was born (d.1994).

a.      Diamond Dance to (Theme From) the Monkees

b.      In the spirit of “Monkey See-Monkey Do” or “Simon Says,” either do Mirror Partners or make sounds and movements which should be mimicked by your audience.

26.  1936 – Hal Trosky, Jr., an American baseball player for the Cleveland Indians and Chicago White Sox who batted left-handed and threw right-handed, was born (d. 2012).

a.      Sing Take Me Out to the Ballgame and insert your favorite team.

27.  1948 - Mark Farner, American singer-songwriter and guitarist for Grand Funk Railroad and Terry Knight and the Pack,  was born.

a.      Do a dance “train” to We’re an American Band.

28.  1948 – Bryant Gumbel, an American journalist was born.

a.      Improv: Gibberish Journalism

Have an improv volunteer act as a journalist from a foreign country (have audience make up the name of the country). He is to provide late-breaking news, which you translate for the audience.

29.  1966 – The Chevrolet Camaro, originally named Panther, was introduced.

a.      The Camaro is classified as a “pony car” and a “muscle car”. If possible, watch Dina Shore’s performance of See the U.S.A. in Your Chevrolet.

b.      Creative Quote: Ask the participants to fill in the blank, “I’d like to see _________(name a favorite destination or person) in a Chevrolet Camaro.”

Photo below by Kareen King:

"Furioso!" played by Travis Beaty, a Registered Nurse who blesses the residents and staff at Wellsville Retirement Community with his playful spirit and improvisational talent, showcases his masterpiece. :)

Furioso! - Travis Beatty, a playful nurse who blessed the residents at Wellsville Retirement Community, plays "Furioso" and showcases his masterpiece. :)